Spotify playlist of the mentioned songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64TmUoNLNtMOQFH3G99eSr?si=aca380e23fea4e69

(I couldn't find Need Me Car on the platform.)

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Dustin, thank you. (David here!) That is awesome. Kind and useful! (Not being able to find on Spotify all of the things we recommend is one of the things holding us back from creating Turn It Up playlists every week--and maybe why we'll wind up having to do it on YouTube when we get it figured out... Advice welcome!) Thank you again!

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Totally selfish on my part! I just wanted to listen to your recommendations while working. YouTube is a good/better idea. I've tried making things like this on SoundCloud with some success. Thanks for the writing and introducing me to new music. I can only listen to the Mountain Goats so much (not really true).

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